Monday, August 9, 2010

Tink: WE'RE IN.

it's official: sandrina and i registered. so now, i think we are all in. all of us. this is serious. i've kicked off my training today by not running yet. it's fucking hot. i'm just not feeling it. instead, i did a lot of other bullshit. i think i'm going to have to force myself to run tonight. ugghhh.
i hate running. who's idea was this?!?
erin - i'm going to use your strategy of being chased by princesses. or was it chasing princesses? either way, sparkles and wands are probably involved, so count me in.

p.s. - did we all pick a different princess for our runners' bibs? i picked ariel (of course!), sandrina is sleeping beauty. i'm assuming erin picked cinderella and kelly went with snow white - the only question mark i've got is michelle, but my guess is belle. i need to know for the tutus i will be crafting each of you. yeah, i said tutus. the drooling may commence.


  1. I picked Ariel too. I don't know...I'm going through a mermaid phase. However, I will be dressing as Alice for the race.

  2. I picked sleeping beauty too because that is my favorite movie but i do sometimes resemble belle in that I have brown hair and I think my tea pot tries to speak to me. I haven't decided who I will be channeling in the race as of yet. I'll keep you posted.

  3. Well, 1 for 3, Tink! I did, in fact, pick Cinderella. I like sparkles and light blue and by best friends are talking mice and birds that do all of my sewing for me. I'm also considering going back to blonde for the event. I guess we'll have to see just how high I get from my runner's high to see if I go that extreme...
