Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kelly: Running Blows

Ok I know, not the most positive title for my first blog. However, running does blow, but in a good way. Kind of an “if I die doing this at least I know I worked hard at it” kind of a way.

Now I am supremely out of shape and when I say I am chipping away at being able to run only 3 miles, I mean chipping away….minute by minute. I have no delusions that it’s a long road ahead. But that is part of what will make this whole crazy idea so satisfying in the end, knowing I worked my ass off to get there.

Yesterday, I “ran” (meaning I ran for 90 seconds walked for 2min…rinse, repeat) outside for the first time since high school gym class. It was hot and I am allergic to all living things so when I got home I sounded like an whizzing old man. My face was fire red and it stayed like that for hours. But, I did it, a tiny step forward, but a step none the less.

That is way I am participating in this blog. To log some progress and to relay all of the funny/sad shit that is bound to happen along the way. Also, I spend 90% of my life locked in a small dark room massaging people for a living and I feel like I get dumber everyday. Maybe this will help me improve my writing skills….or maybe I just like to talk about myself…..


  1. You'd better be careful in that Vegas heat! Maybe Mommy Marge should push you in the stroller with the boys for when you need a break...

  2. tink: walt says, "the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." i heart walt.
    p.s. - we should totally find hidden mickeys while we run. it might make the miles go faster???
