Friday, July 30, 2010

Kelly: The Search for Inspiration

I meant to write this gem last week but I didn’t. So here it is a week late….Last week I was in search of inspiration in the form of a specific trinket. I wanted a Disney Princess bracelet to wear while I ran. The idea was that I would feel it rolling around on my wrist, look at it and realize why the hell I was doing this in the first place.

I lead my husband on a hunt across Las Vegas. We stopped at several places (including a stop at Wal-Mart. Desperation was setting in). I have a very obsessive personality, so once the idea of finding a princess bracelet was in my head, I would not rest until one was acquired.

But rest I did….until the next day. Stephan had some work stuff to do, so I figured I would head to the Las Vegas Outlets because I knew there was a Disney store there and I had some shoes to exchange. Perfect plan! A few hours of uninterrupted shopping…hell yeah! I had felt fine when I woke up, but suddenly I was stating to have unexplained stomach pain. But I was determined to have princesses perched on my wrist cheering me on.

I drove to the outlets doubled over in pain. I dragged my sorry ass through the concrete labyrinth of stores. Ran the gauntlet of tourists who apparently have never set eyes upon anything so amazing as the outlet mall. I swear it was 150 degrees in that little slice of hell.

I finally arriving at the Disney store and quickly located some princess bracelets. Not on sale, of course. They didn’t have any with all of the princesses on it, so I chose Ariel. What can I say? I like mermaids. The line to check out was incredibly long but in the end I made it, stomach, brain cells and sanity intact.

So, in my search for inspiration I learned an important lesson. If I can brave an outlet mall, in Las Vegas, in the summer, while feeling like I might implode….I can definitely run 13 miles.

The really sad thing is they had princess bracelets at the groceries store right near my house.


  1. i am REALLY contemplating getting "think happy thoughts" tattooed on my wrist. it's just like your princess bracelet - only no jingle-jingling and i can never take it off. maybe yours is a better idea.

  2. Oh my god, how messed up I was thinking the same thing!!!! I wanted to get "you can do it" tattooed on my arm!!! so sad....
